Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Oft-delayed Rosetta Post

EDIT: I wrote a LONG fucking post which Blogger deemed unworthy of preserving and instead deleted 82% of. What a treat! The best part is how I repeatedly hit "Save Now" during the process and I'm still only left with the nucleus of this post, which I wrote this afternoon while I was applying to jobs. I also really love how this was the culmination of an earlier post which I also spent a stupidly long time writing and is now basically devoid of a satisfying conclusion.

First, a salutation to all Kansas City Chiefs fans:

You have a great team and I have had a especially pronounced affinity to the Chiefs ever since Matt Cassel came aboard. Now, do me a solid and please stop dressing up as American Indians. You wouldn't come to a football game wearing blackface, right?...Right?

No, that is NOT heavy metal.

Here's the ultra abridged version of my thoughtful, exhaustive post that I spent hours writing. Trust me, before it was flushed down the toilet, it was a pretty convincing argument as to why this full length is so much better than Wake/Lift.

Rosetta's newest (2010) full length is pretty good and much more directed and terse. At times it sounds like they're incorporating bits of 90's metalcore, which is a plus. This song gets good at a fraction of the speed required to find enjoyable parts in most of Rosetta's back catalog.

Support, please.

A Determinism of Morality

Fuck. You. Blogger.

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Oh yeah??