Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Smithing Lvl. 30/Total Nerd Shit

Well, first and foremost, for some dumb reason I bought Skyrim. Not much else to say, I'm just trying to keep that from eating my brain/ruling my life.

Also, Sunday's game against the Jets was really cool. I can't say as to whether it was more a case of the Jets skidding or some major improvements by the Pats or a combination of both, but this may have been the most convincing win all season and I'm pretty happy about that. We actually got sacks. Amazing. The Jets' offensive line isn't a bunch of slouches either -- Nick Mangold is a pro-bowler. I couldn't believe it. One thing that I can give the Pats credit for without any reservations is working Gronkowski and Hernandez in the back field. The Jets have a pretty decent secondary (especially Darrelle Revis, who I still think gets away with some absurd fouls pretty regularly -- Oh, also for a bit of fun, check out Darrelle Revis' incredibly slanted Wikipedia page where someone left out the huge touchdown pass Randy Moss burned him on in the 2010 season. Digression.) and seeing our tight ends using their physicality and reach to make those huge catches was really gratifying.

Anywho...Here's a video. Why should you give a shit about it? Find out tomorrow...



  1. i am a rehabbed video gamer but over the last year or so i've been gradually drawn back towards the maelstrom. when i saw the skyrim ads i realized that it was worth diving in for. HOW IS IT? (i don't own an xbox yet)

  2. In short, completely insane. Luckily I'm starting work again soon. I accidentally stayed up until 4 last night just dicking around and exploring. Not healthy.


Oh yeah??